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Claims process

Claims process

Our expert team of cycle accident solicitors are on hand to ensure making an accident claim is as smooth as possible. We’ll handle the complex legal process so you don’t have to.

Can I make a claim?

We understand that every cycle accident is different, so to help you understand whether you can make a claim, we’ll...

Can I still pursue a bicycle injury claim if the at-fault party is uninsured?

If your cycle accident has involved an uninsured driver, we can understand the concern you may have. Luckily, you can...

How is the compensation amount determined in a bicycle injury claim?

Every case is different, and your compensation will be based off your claim. The factors which play into how much...

How long do I have to file a bicycle injury claim?

Whilst most people contact us shortly after their cycle accident, you do have three years from the date of the...

What damages can I claim after a bicycle accident?

We understand how much a cycle accident can affect you both mentally and physically, and how long it can take...

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