The winter can be a dangerous time of year for cyclists with potential dangers and hazards cropping up. Here we’ll be exploring why cycle accidents are much more common in the winter so that you can be aware of any dangers you might face when out cycling in the winter.
If you’d like to learn more about the methods you can take to keep safe whilst cycling in the winter, then you can look at our other guides for more information.
As we all know too well, British weather can be unpredictable and wet, because of this, it can be easy to be unprepared and get stuck in bad weather whilst out cycling which can make accidents much more likely to happen. It’s a good idea to always check the weather before you cycle.
Ice, naturally is a huge risk for cyclists in the winter, making lesser-used roads and pathways extremely unstable and dangerous as a result. If you’re aware of conditions being icy then it’s probably best to change your plans or take busier roads that have been gritted.
If you know that you’ll be cycling a lot in the wintertime, then it makes sense to invest in winter tyres. These are tyres specifically designed to perform well in harsher conditions because of their increased tread and grip on terrain that normal tyres wouldn’t be great on.
Poor visibility
Because of the days being shorter and the weather being less predictable, the winter also brings poor visibility, which can severely lessen the reaction time that’s necessary when cycling on the road. If you know that you’re cycling in conditions with poor visibility then it’s a good idea to ride slower and utilise your bike’s lights and high-visibility clothing to make yourself stand out whilst using the road.
Just as dangerous as other entries to this list, the colder temperatures in the winter can be dangerous if you’re not properly dressed. Whilst you don’t need to spend a bomb on fancy clothes, you should be sure to wear multiple layers including gloves and a hat to keep you warm whilst you’re out.
Be sure not to wear pieces of clothing that are long and dangling as they can potentially get caught in the mechanism of your bike which might cause a cycle accident.
What to do in a winter cycle accident
Unfortunately, regardless of any precautions you take, accidents do happen. If you’ve been involved in a cycle accident then our experienced team is more than happy to help you get the compensation that you deserve. You can find out more by selecting the contact us tab on our website.